How to Turn Dropbox into Your Personal Secure File Transfer Service — For Free

July 31, 2014
Kevin Lam

dropbox-logos_dropbox-vertical-blue[Update: We retired this application due to Dropbox deprecating some of the APIs required for this app]

Hey, I am really excited to let you know that we released a preview of our newest tool called IronBox Express this week. It turns Dropbox into your own personal secure file transfer service. And it’s for free right now while we’re in beta. There’s no new account you need to create (you just use your Dropbox account to sign in). And you certainly won’t need a credit card.

Here are just a few of the awesome things IronBox Express does to help you protect your customer’s data:

  • Automatically password protects and expires files and folders you share with Dropbox so you don’t have to
  • Notifies you when people open the stuff you share so you spend more time on your business and not refreshing Web browsers
  • Allows you to customize with your own logo that customers already know and love

All that and more for free while we’re in beta mode.  Go visit and get your account right now!


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