Hackers Using Hotel Wi-Fi Networks for Attacks, and What You Can Do Right Now
Here’s a story about how hackers are using hotel wi-fi networks to attack users, corporate espionage and for political targets: http://www.zdnet.com/article/hackers-are-using-hotel-wi-fi-to-spy-on-guests-steal-data
Attacks come in various flavors (social engineering, network based and malware). For social engineering that’s on the user to be educated, but for the network attack which is probably going to be the easiest for the bad guys, use a VPN service on your mobile devices (smart phones, laptops, etc.). That’s the #1 thing you can do right now to better protect yourself. Even if you aren’t traveling to hotels, coffee shop WiFi networks, friends, public libraries are all potential sources of attack.
The VPN service I use and am a big fan of is VyprVPN. These guys really know security and I’ve been recommending them to my friends, family and colleagues (I have zero affiliation with and don’t get anything from them). If you’re serious about security then use VyprVPN.