IronBox Passwords App Update, Bad News
Hello Everyone,
Earlier this year we released a password manager app for iOS users that uses Dropbox to securely store your passwords, and for free! We figured that you use Dropbox to store all your files, why not your passwords but securely? And it used Dropbox’s awesome free and powerful Datastore API.
Well … thousands and thousands of happy users later, we have some bad news: Dropbox is retiring their Datastore API service April 2016 (see their blog), which means that the password app will stop working at that time. We’re updating the app to let all our users know, so that’s the bad news we’re sharing today.
Sorry about the bad news and we are grateful to all our happy users. However, there’s nothing we can do if Dropbox wants to discontinue their Datastore API service. Ping us if you want suggestions on other password managers to use.